Kazuki Tojo
Kazuki Tojo is an AeroAstro S.M.-Ph.D. candidate in MIT's Gas Turbine Lab. His interests lie in the fluid mechanics and heat transfer of propulsion and aerodynamics. He has completed a B.S.E. thesis on electric propulsion at Princeton University and an M.Eng. thesis on heat transfer at University of Oxford. His current research at MIT is on rotating stall, under the guidance of Professor Ed Greitzer.
Project portfolio available here.
MIT, 2024-Present.Ezoe Memorial Recruit Foundation Graduate Scholar
One of ~2 new graduate students across Japan to receive $95,000 USD annual funding for graduate studies.
Princeton University, 2024.Magna Cum Laude
Graduated from the Princeton University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with High Honours.
Princeton University, 2024.Sigma Xi Engineering Honour Society
Outstanding research demonstrated by B.S.E. Senior Thesis.
Princeton University, 2023.Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honour Society
Top 20% of senior engineering class whilst demonstrating exemplary character.
University of Oxford, 2023.M.Eng. Thesis First-Class Honours
Outstanding research demonstrated by 4th Year Report.
Princeton University, 2020-2024.Ezoe Memorial Recruit Foundation Undergraduate Scholar
One of ~5 new undergraduate students across Japan to receive 10 million JPY annual funding for undergraduate studies.